friuduric: Gathering up the gumption
friuduric: Smiling at the sea
friuduric: Walking south, towards Seabrook Station
friuduric: Where the waters end
friuduric: Beach day with Trixie
friuduric: Sand between her toes
friuduric: Crash of waves
friuduric: Walking beside each other
friuduric: Walking at the water's edge
friuduric: Alone in the magnificent vastness
friuduric: Vastness
friuduric: Sunny smile on a sunny day
friuduric: Cold and clear water
friuduric: Ebbing tide
friuduric: Pebble in the wash
friuduric: Coccinelle toute seule
friuduric: Coccinelle sur pierre
friuduric: Coccinelle sur pierre 2
friuduric: Driftwood tree
friuduric: North Beach in the distance
friuduric: Handicapable puppy
friuduric: Sandy feet
friuduric: Chaos!
friuduric: Looking north towards North Beach
friuduric: Sandy ear
friuduric: Snackin' on the sand
friuduric: Mom, your camera's kinda close!
friuduric: Circles around the camera 1
friuduric: Circles around the camera 2
friuduric: Circles around the camera 3