friuduric: DSC02064.JPG
friuduric: Enfield Creek
friuduric: Mount Cardigan 1
friuduric: Moose track!
friuduric: Shopping.JPG
friuduric: DSC01804.JPG
friuduric: DSC01819.JPG
friuduric: Cooper
friuduric: Winsorize Search
friuduric: Ice Cream!
friuduric: DSC01847.JPG
friuduric: DSC01858.JPG
friuduric: DSC01922.JPG
friuduric: The topsy-turvy bus
friuduric: March into Concord
friuduric: DSC01951.JPG
friuduric: Loki, Bored
friuduric: Resolution
friuduric: Backpacks
friuduric: Talking on the Mountain
friuduric: Fish teapot
friuduric: Treats
friuduric: Picnic Lunch
friuduric: No electricity in town
friuduric: Watching YouTube
friuduric: A sign for everyone
friuduric: DSC00754.JPG
friuduric: DSC00757.JPG
friuduric: Proof of the Beach
friuduric: hair wrap