natural gas: Teresa
natural gas: Firefighters
natural gas: Ladder truck
natural gas: Procession as viewed from second car
natural gas: Procession passes a firehouse
natural gas: Getting ready for the procession
natural gas: Dress uniforms
natural gas: Paramedics at the memorial service
natural gas: Ferrets at the memorial service
natural gas: Violet
natural gas: Honor guard
natural gas: Margaret & Steve
natural gas: Flowers
natural gas: Badges & pins
natural gas: John & Katy at the memorial service
natural gas: Teresa, Jessica & John at the memorial service
natural gas: Karen & Drew at the memorial service
natural gas: Drew & Charlee at the memorial service
natural gas: Police & paramedics at the memorial service
natural gas: Honor Guard
natural gas: Kayak with flowers
natural gas: Kayak with flowers
natural gas: Flowers at the memorial