Fritz, MD: Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Our Lady of Pompeii. Nuestra Señora del Santisimo Rosario (with Santo Domingo de Guzman and Santa Catalina de Siena) at the side retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Vigan Cathedral (St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral)
Fritz, MD: The main altar and retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Santo Entierro of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: The Vigan Cathedral interiors
Fritz, MD: The main altar and retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Vigan Cathedral (St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral)
Fritz, MD: Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: An image of the Virgin Mary at one of the side retablos of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Retablo of San Jose at Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: San Roque de Montpellier of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: San Antonio de Padua of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: San Ignacio de Loyola at the side retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: San Vicente Ferrer at the side retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: San Pancracio of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: San Pablo atop the main retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Nuestra Señora del Santisimo Rosario a the side retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: An image of the Virgin Mary at the main retablo of the Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: An image of the Virgin Mary at one of the side retablos of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: Our Lady of Lourdes of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: A relief image of San Pedro at the main retablo of Vigan Cathedral
Fritz, MD: The Crucifixion scene at Vigan Cathedral