fritz_da_kat: Scrambling to the start of the route
fritz_da_kat: Scrambling next to the fixed rope
fritz_da_kat: The Liberty Bell group
fritz_da_kat: Still scrambling
fritz_da_kat: Yuxi leading the 1st pitch
fritz_da_kat: After clearing the roof on the 2nd pitch
fritz_da_kat: Craig coming from under the roof
fritz_da_kat: Scrambling towards the start of the 3rd pitch
fritz_da_kat: A perfect place
fritz_da_kat: Still scrambling
fritz_da_kat: Looking up the 3rd pitch, following Yuxi
fritz_da_kat: Looking down the 4th or 5th pitch, leading
fritz_da_kat: Selfie time
fritz_da_kat: Yuxi leading the 6th pitch
fritz_da_kat: 6th pitch, looks scary, but it's a beauty to climb
fritz_da_kat: Yuxi belaying
fritz_da_kat: Mo' selfies
fritz_da_kat: Far above...
fritz_da_kat: The Goldie crack
fritz_da_kat: Let's do this!
fritz_da_kat: Looking down after clearing the crack
fritz_da_kat: Scrambling to the summit
fritz_da_kat: Across the gully
fritz_da_kat: The exposed section of the summit approach
fritz_da_kat: Yuxi on the summit
fritz_da_kat: Craig and Diana following
fritz_da_kat: Diana on the summit
fritz_da_kat: Summit non-selfie