fritz_da_kat: Approach
fritz_da_kat: Towards the notch
fritz_da_kat: Getting closer
fritz_da_kat: In the gully
fritz_da_kat: At the start of the route
fritz_da_kat: Getting ready
fritz_da_kat: Pitch 1
fritz_da_kat: Ian belaying Jessica
fritz_da_kat: The tunnel is in the middle
fritz_da_kat: At the top of the crux section on Pitch 1
fritz_da_kat: Pitch 2
fritz_da_kat: Tad is getting ready
fritz_da_kat: Juliet starts pitch 2
fritz_da_kat: My rope on Pitch 2
fritz_da_kat: Looking down from a safe spot on pitch 2
fritz_da_kat: The valley and the Blue Lake
fritz_da_kat: Yuxi is belaying, Tad and I are waiting
fritz_da_kat: Pitch 3
fritz_da_kat: Selfie time!
fritz_da_kat: Yuxi on pitch 3
fritz_da_kat: Waiting to start pitch 3
fritz_da_kat: Tad climbing the friction slab under the summit
fritz_da_kat: Mountains!
fritz_da_kat: Looking down from the summit
fritz_da_kat: Black Peak and Mt. Goode
fritz_da_kat: Summit shot with photobombers
fritz_da_kat: More photobombing
fritz_da_kat: Summit
fritz_da_kat: Celebration
fritz_da_kat: Tad trying to figure out the timer shot