fritz_da_kat: Looking up from the belay station at the top of the first pitch
fritz_da_kat: Michael starts leading the first pitch below
fritz_da_kat: Diana belays me up on the second pitch
fritz_da_kat: At the belay ledge under the chimney
fritz_da_kat: The chimney entrance
fritz_da_kat: On my way leading into the chimney, 3rd pitch
fritz_da_kat: Looking down the chimney
fritz_da_kat: Out of the chimney, keep going
fritz_da_kat: The chimney exit from above
fritz_da_kat: Serious business
fritz_da_kat: Looking at the first crack from the belay ledge at the base of the 4th pitch
fritz_da_kat: Ready to belay
fritz_da_kat: Belaying from the small ledge at the base of pitch 4
fritz_da_kat: No climb without selfie
fritz_da_kat: Out of the crack
fritz_da_kat: Leading the second crack
fritz_da_kat: Over the bulge at the top
fritz_da_kat: This is it!
fritz_da_kat: Happy?
fritz_da_kat: Diana at the top
fritz_da_kat: Another party reaches the summit, probably Michael and Stephen