Alan Fritzberg: Falklands Islands Map - Islands visited highlighted in gray
Alan Fritzberg: The good road portion of the way to Volunteer Point
Alan Fritzberg: Early departure from Stanley
Alan Fritzberg: Settlement at end of road and start of going overland
Alan Fritzberg: Vol Pt Road sheep observer-7402
Alan Fritzberg: Reason for going in convoy
Alan Fritzberg: A short tow and one more vehicle to cross
Alan Fritzberg: Volunteer Point Flag - It's a windy place!
Alan Fritzberg: First things first - loos, warm room to take nourishment in and a base for the day at Volunteer Point
Alan Fritzberg: King Penguin sign-7480
Alan Fritzberg: Directions to the Penguin Colonies and the Men's Loos
Alan Fritzberg: Watching the King Penguins in their colony - juveniles losing their coats and soon to leave
Alan Fritzberg: Gentoos headed for the sea
Alan Fritzberg: Literate humans will stay on the outside of the boundary; penguins not.
Alan Fritzberg: The King Penguin colony - Juveniles currently molting.
Alan Fritzberg: King Penguin head detail
Alan Fritzberg: Detail on face of adolescent King Penguin, about a year old
Alan Fritzberg: The feet sticking out from under the adolescent coat of the King Penguins
Alan Fritzberg: Who's been watching whom?
Alan Fritzberg: Long beaks are a challenge
Alan Fritzberg: Feeding adolescent King Penguins
Alan Fritzberg: MVI_More feeding, messy regurgitation too.
Alan Fritzberg: MVI_Feeding adolescent
Alan Fritzberg: The beach - remote, many penguins and few people
Alan Fritzberg: White-Rumped Sandpiper
Alan Fritzberg: Brown-headed Gull
Alan Fritzberg: Kelp gulls in the dunes
Alan Fritzberg: The parade goes on, but a Gentoo Penguin is passing by headed for the sea, now three kinds penguins
Alan Fritzberg: Beach parade with three King and one Magellanic Penguins
Alan Fritzberg: New to group