Alan Fritzberg: View of ditch as historically used to drain wetland for farming
Alan Fritzberg: New bridge installed as part of project for access to west area of MCR
Alan Fritzberg: Excavator beginning work on new meandering water course to replace ditching
Alan Fritzberg: Jenn and Nick placing dam in for keeping fish out of ditch watercourse
Alan Fritzberg: Meandered water course having filled with water overnight
Alan Fritzberg: Downstream end of dam controlling fish
Alan Fritzberg: Wash Dept Fish and Wildlife crew capturing fish and moving them out of ditch to be retired
Alan Fritzberg: Beginning of log jam installation to enhance habitat in new water course
Alan Fritzberg: Neighborhood residents
Alan Fritzberg: Beaver dam near west end of MCR
Alan Fritzberg: Reach where salmon spawned Fall 2013
Alan Fritzberg: Water from Maple Creek making its way to N. Fork Nooksack
Alan Fritzberg: No salmon present, but several dippers were
Alan Fritzberg: Just another dipper
Alan Fritzberg: Excavator working on logjam installation
Alan Fritzberg: New bridge
Alan Fritzberg: New water course with straw to limit erosion
Alan Fritzberg: Former ditch now filled in
Alan Fritzberg: Raptor pole
Alan Fritzberg: Water flowing through new meandering course
Alan Fritzberg: Remarkable water present during driest time of the year
Alan Fritzberg: Looking from bridge area to where water flows down from hillside
Alan Fritzberg: Excavator installing another rapture pole
Alan Fritzberg: Nick describing the project and expected restoration qualities of MCR
Alan Fritzberg: Another spot for WLT staff to learn about the MCR project
Alan Fritzberg: Looking south at area of remaindered water
Alan Fritzberg: Area near highway along Maple Creek that had berm removed and now will allow winter high water to move into wetland area more naturally