Frits1942: White and blue crocuses 0099
Frits1942: Springtime 0098
Frits1942: Springtime 0097
Frits1942: White and blue crocuses 0095
Frits1942: White and blue crocuses 0096
Frits1942: Bumblebee / Hommel 0100
Frits1942: Bumblebee / Hommel 0101
Frits1942: Bumblebee / Hommel 0102
Frits1942: Bumblebee / Hommel 0103
Frits1942: Front of Creativity shop 0107
Frits1942: Creativity shop promo 0108
Frits1942: Job agency promo 0109
Frits1942: Memorial plaquette Orphanage 0110
Frits1942: Streetname Franeker 0111
Frits1942: Memorial Plaquette 0113
Frits1942: Part of Memorial Plaquette 0112
Frits1942: Memorial Plaquettes 0114
Frits1942: Canalstreet view 0115
Frits1942: Canalstreet view 0116
Frits1942: Streetcorner canalhouse 0117
Frits1942: Frontside canalhouse 0118
Frits1942: Canalview inner city Franeker 0119
Frits1942: View at church Franeker 0120
Frits1942: Canalview inner city Franeker 0121
Frits1942: Frontside Canalhouse Franeker 0122
Frits1942: Frontside Canalhouse Franeker 0123
Frits1942: Frontside Canalhouse Franeker 0124
Frits1942: Old entrance gate from 1737
Frits1942: Old entrance gate from 1737
Frits1942: Old entrance gate from 1737