Frits1942: Main entrance Cairo Marriott Hotel 3937
Frits1942: Besides the main entrance 3939
Frits1942: Main entrance Cairo Marriott Hotel 3938
Frits1942: Flowers main entrance square 3940
Frits1942: Flowers main entrance square 3941
Frits1942: Main entrance Cairo Marriott Hotel 3942
Frits1942: At the main entrance 3934
Frits1942: At the main entrance 3935
Frits1942: At the main entrance 3936
Frits1942: Corridor to the Inner Gardens 3943
Frits1942: Corridor to the Inner Gardens 3944
Frits1942: Corridor to the Innner Gardens 3945
Frits1942: Inside the former Gezira Palace 3950
Frits1942: Inside the former Gezira Palace 3951
Frits1942: Inside the former Gezira Palace 3953
Frits1942: Gallery Terrraces Cairo Marriott Hotel 3954
Frits1942: Gallery Terrace Cairo Marriott Hotel 3955
Frits1942: Gallery Terrace Cairo Marriott Hotel 3956
Frits1942: Terraces Cairo Marriott Hotel 3957
Frits1942: Gallery Terrace Cairo Marriott Hotel 3958
Frits1942: View from the Gallery Terrace 3959
Frits1942: Balcony Cairo Marriott Hotel 3985
Frits1942: Cairo Marriott Chef de cuisine3988
Frits1942: Inner Garden Cairo Marriott Hotel 3960
Frits1942: Inner Garden Cairo Marriott Hotel 3961-1
Frits1942: Inner Garden Cairo Marriott Hotel 3962
Frits1942: Inner Garden Cairo Marriott Hotel 3963
Frits1942: Inner Garden Cairo Marriott Hotel 3964
Frits1942: Cairo Marriott Hotel at night 3920
Frits1942: Cairo Marriott Hotel at night 3921