Frits1942: Said and the sea 8862
Frits1942: Said and the sea 8863
Frits1942: Said 8864
Frits1942: Said and Mohamed 8866
Frits1942: Said, little Mohamed and the Sea 8867
Frits1942: Said, little Mohamed and the Sea 8868
Frits1942: Learning by imitation 8869
Frits1942: Said, little Mohamed and the Sea 8870
Frits1942: Said, little Mohamed and the Sea 8871
Frits1942: Said, little Mohamed and the Sea 8872
Frits1942: Said, little Mohamed and their father 8874
Frits1942: Facing the sea 8875
Frits1942: Challenging themselves 8877
Frits1942: Said, little Mohamed and the sea 8878
Frits1942: Little Mohamed and Said 8879
Frits1942: Little Mohamed and Said 8880
Frits1942: Little Mohamed and Said 8881
Frits1942: Little Mohamed and Said 8882
Frits1942: Little Mohamed and Said 8883
Frits1942: Said and little Mohamed 8884
Frits1942: IMG_8885