Frits1942: Igor and Alexey in front of the dacha 03
Frits1942: Igor and Alexey 03
Frits1942: Russki banya
Frits1942: Cooling down in the pool 05
Frits1942: Cooling down 06
Frits1942: Cooling down wit Igor 04
Frits1942: Alexey and me 10
Frits1942: Alexey and Igor 9
Frits1942: Alexey and Igor 8
Frits1942: Day of the Russian paratroopers 7
Frits1942: Day of the Russian paratroopers 6
Frits1942: Igor 2
Frits1942: Igor 1
Frits1942: In St. Petersburg 5
Frits1942: Alexey and Igor 3
Frits1942: Alexey and me 4
Frits1942: A Russian holiday 0001
Frits1942: A Russian holiday 0003
Frits1942: Baltic Sea near St. Petersburg 0004
Frits1942: Alexey in the Baltic Sea 0005
Frits1942: Alexey and me 08
Frits1942: Svetlana, mother of Igor and Alexey 0009
Frits1942: On a Russian visit 0010
Frits1942: In the dacha kitchen 0011
Frits1942: Together with the Lugovoy's12
Frits1942: Together with the Lugovoy's 13
Frits1942: Igor and Alexey 0014
Frits1942: Igor and Alexey 0015
Frits1942: Igor and Svetlana 0017
Frits1942: Svetlana and me 0018