frisby: Dunnock or could be a wren!
frisby: Feed the birds
frisby: Young Herring Gull
frisby: flower
frisby: struttin my stuff gull style!
frisby: Gull
frisby: Rainbow Fountain
frisby: Sunset over Torquay
frisby: big rock and little rock
frisby: hedgehog rock
frisby: Cormorant
frisby: My secret cove
frisby: Inca Tern chats up girl with a fish
frisby: This way please
frisby: Don't mess..
frisby: Flutterby
frisby: struttin my stuff puffin style!
frisby: Inca Tern in flight
frisby: cooling off!
frisby: Kiss and make up
frisby: You talkin' to me?
frisby: "My other leg is number 45 on the menu!"
frisby: Um..maybe try the other end darling?
frisby: cozy
frisby: Berry Head
frisby: Berry Head with small goats!
frisby: waterfall
frisby: Berry Head
frisby: Berry Head
frisby: Sunset over Torquay