Frisbee Girl:
with mum
Frisbee Girl:
with dad
Frisbee Girl:
Frisbee Girl:
Squeek (the Mini- disc) b&w
Frisbee Girl:
Starting young
Frisbee Girl:
Frisbee Girl:
The mini-disc
Frisbee Girl:
Wedding with mum
Frisbee Girl:
Frisbee Girl:
Frisbee Girl:
Christmas close
Frisbee Girl:
Christmas & Marsha
Frisbee Girl:
Christmas far
Frisbee Girl:
Frisbee Girl:
Morning constitution
Frisbee Girl:
big head
Frisbee Girl:
JohnJohn at my 5th (?) birthday party
Frisbee Girl:
Bday game
Frisbee Girl:
1st grade
Frisbee Girl:
2nd grade
Frisbee Girl:
3rd grade - Linden Elementary School
Frisbee Girl:
Chatty Frisbee
Frisbee Girl:
Napping with Uncle John
Frisbee Girl:
Queen FG
Frisbee Girl:
Valentines Day '89
Frisbee Girl:
22nd b-day
Frisbee Girl:
Do not feed FG sugar, #2
Frisbee Girl:
With my mum '91
Frisbee Girl:
with Susie in Chicago, Christmas '95
Frisbee Girl: