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365days Year 2 by The Jer
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The Jer
Triumphant Return {Day 1}
The Jer
Rewriting the ending. {Day 2}
The Jer
Walk on {Day 3}
The Jer
“When a needle falls into a deep well, many people will look into the well, but few will be ready to go down after it”{Day 4}
The Jer
Scruff {Day 5}
The Jer
Something's Off {Day 6}
The Jer
Dinner of Kings {Day 7}
The Jer
Crossroads {Day 8}
The Jer
Hell on Wheels {Day 9}
The Jer
Northward Ho!{Day 10}
The Jer
We weren't in a smiling mood. {Day 11}
The Jer
Eve lets me wear her hat sometimes.{Day 12}
The Jer
I'm not the style horse I thought I was {Day 13}
The Jer
Kickball Warrior Once Again {Day 14}
The Jer
Have a seat....PSYCHE! {Day 15}
The Jer
Bevvies of Choice {Day 16}
The Jer
Wink {Day 17}
The Jer
I make this look dorky. {Day 18}
The Jer
We're squinting because we didn't recognize the sun {Day 19}
The Jer
Stupid The Rock{Day 20}
The Jer
An aged veteran mentally prepares himself.{Day 21}
The Jer
The lilacs are in bloom!{Day 22}
The Jer
It's beautiful! {Day 23}
The Jer
Zombie Strippers {Day 24}
The Jer
Look for me at Dawn...look to the east {Day 25}
The Jer
Yes, I'm aware. {Day 26}
The Jer
Just perfect {Day 27}
The Jer
Saying goodbye to Men's Fellowship {Day 28}
The Jer
Boxin up the Past{Day 29}
The Jer
To Make An End is to Make a Beginning{Day 30}
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