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Chums. by The Jer
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The Jer
Day 237: Hazy Shade of Winter
The Jer
The key is in the approach.
The Jer
Day 362: Blushing Bride and ...Jer
The Jer
Day 354: Co-Self Portrait
The Jer
Jeff Noir
The Jer
But with the blast shield down...
The Jer
He turned 31
The Jer
Day 311: Totally unintentional Self-Portrait
The Jer
Cradling like a baby
The Jer
Camera > Camera Phone.
The Jer
Day 300: The soul of a photog.
The Jer
what are you doing...Lee?
The Jer
It's a Showdown!
The Jer
They're like Jackels
The Jer
How you doin?
The Jer
Dark Lord
The Jer
Photo Ninja strikes again!
The Jer
Intrepid Woodsman
The Jer
Noah's attention is captured again.
The Jer
Me and Eve and some bottles of wine
The Jer
Pewter is Bewter.
The Jer
Someday, it will be my turn.
The Jer
You are not a jedi yet.
The Jer
Table Depth
The Jer
iPhone's warm glowing warming glow.
The Jer
Mark and Lee and a very bright lamp
The Jer
The Jer
He's nothing if not photogenic.
The Jer
And thus, Covenball was invented.
The Jer
Awkward x 2
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