frip1969: Paris Underground
frip1969: Paris Underground
frip1969: Thalys
frip1969: Thalys
frip1969: Thalys
frip1969: Montparnasse to Versailles
frip1969: Montparnasse to Versailles
frip1969: Peripherique Nord
frip1969: Peripherique Nord
frip1969: Rail tracks
frip1969: Inside the parisian Metro
frip1969: Chatelet Subway Station
frip1969: Ghost Subway Station
frip1969: Ghost Subway Station
frip1969: Tracks
frip1969: Ghost Subway Station in Paris
frip1969: Open the door of the Subway
frip1969: Thalys
frip1969: Underground London
frip1969: Underground London
frip1969: Underground London
frip1969: Underground London
frip1969: Underground London
frip1969: Underground London
frip1969: In the train home