FRINGE SALON: launch event sign
FRINGE SALON: dancer warm up
FRINGE SALON: doing hair for performance
FRINGE SALON: musician warm up
FRINGE SALON: dancer warm up
FRINGE SALON: show of gratitude
FRINGE SALON: dancer warm up
FRINGE SALON: audience comes in
FRINGE SALON: Megan Bridge the choreographer
FRINGE SALON: beginning of dance
FRINGE SALON: beginning of dance
FRINGE SALON: beginning of dance
FRINGE SALON: beginning of dance
FRINGE SALON: sliding off receptionist desk
FRINGE SALON: shampoo bowl dance
FRINGE SALON: shampoo bowl dance
FRINGE SALON: shampoo bowl dance
FRINGE SALON: sliding into audience with curlers in hair
FRINGE SALON: triad dance
FRINGE SALON: synthesizer, dancers, and strings
FRINGE SALON: strings and dancers
FRINGE SALON: strings and dancers
FRINGE SALON: dancers with hooded dryers
FRINGE SALON: dancers with hooded dryers
FRINGE SALON: dancer playing stylist
FRINGE SALON: dancer playing stylist
FRINGE SALON: dancers playing stylists
FRINGE SALON: dancers playing stylists
FRINGE SALON: triad dance in chairs
FRINGE SALON: triad dance in chairs