Mark Lightfoot: Oceanic Voyagers
Mark Lightfoot: Tree Frogs Cocooned Within Unfurling Dieffenbachia Leaf - 1
Mark Lightfoot: Soviet Ghost Ship (MV Captain Keith Tibbetts - Frigate 356)
Mark Lightfoot: Hideous Beauty (the Spotted Scorpionfish)
Mark Lightfoot: Psychedelic Puffer
Mark Lightfoot: Ancient Living Hieroglyphs?
Mark Lightfoot: Juvenile Spotted Drumfish
Mark Lightfoot: Leafy Sea Dragon
Mark Lightfoot: Depth Cover May 2010
Mark Lightfoot: Look At The Pretty... Flowers?
Mark Lightfoot: IRIDESCENT EYE
Mark Lightfoot: What? Me Worry?
Mark Lightfoot: Mosaic Eye (Shark Eye)
Mark Lightfoot: Solar Powered Sea Slug
Mark Lightfoot: Whiskers Of Fire (Bearded Fireworm)
Mark Lightfoot: Kissimmee In Gray
Mark Lightfoot: Goldentail Moray Eel
Mark Lightfoot: New Species?
Mark Lightfoot: Mating Peacock Flounders - I
Mark Lightfoot: Blue Eyed Lionfish?
Mark Lightfoot: The Last Of It's Kind?
Mark Lightfoot: KILLING PERFECTION (Caribbean Lionfish)