Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing with Seidl's Lake in the distance.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Jack-in-the-pulpit at Seidl's Lake Park
Friends of the Mississippi River: Buckthorn seedings germinating from the seedbank.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Black locust and Siberian elm logs removed from oak-aspen woodland.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Buckthorn seedlings germinating from the seedbank.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Oak-aspen woodland after buckthorn forestry mowing.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Black locust and Siberian elm logs removed from oak-aspen woodland.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Black locust and Siberian elm logs removed from oak-aspen woodland.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Black locust and Siberian elm logs removed from oak-aspen woodland.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Girdled black locust
Friends of the Mississippi River: Playground from Seidl's Lake Park
Friends of the Mississippi River: Smooth Solomon's seal at Seidl's Lake Park
Friends of the Mississippi River: Smooth Solomon's seal at Seidl's Lake Park
Friends of the Mississippi River: Black locust and Siberian elm removed from oak-aspen woodland.
Friends of the Mississippi River: Erosion at Seidl's Lake Park