Friends of the Mississippi River: Hastings Sand Coulee NE postburn 8-2-17
Friends of the Mississippi River: Hastings Sand Coulee liatris and monarch
Friends of the Mississippi River: Penstemon at Hastings Sand Coulee
Friends of the Mississippi River: Hastings Sand Coulee liatris & monarch
Friends of the Mississippi River: yellow flax linum sulcatum
Friends of the Mississippi River: Large flowered penstemon
Friends of the Mississippi River: Lily-leaved twayblade orchid
Friends of the Mississippi River: Liparis lily leaved twayblade
Friends of the Mississippi River: Vermillion Falls Park fern
Friends of the Mississippi River: Vermillion Falls Park
Friends of the Mississippi River: thistle going to seed
Friends of the Mississippi River: Sessile-leaf bellwort HW
Friends of the Mississippi River: Large-flowered trillium
Friends of the Mississippi River: Cut-leaf toothwort at Hampton Woods
Friends of the Mississippi River: Basswood at Vermillion Falls Park
Friends of the Mississippi River: Tending to Rosemount Preserve