Friends of the Mississippi River:
Photo by Quentin Ikuta for FMR
Friends of the Mississippi River:
ESI Youth Advisory Council cleanup
Friends of the Mississippi River:
ESI Youth Advisory Council cleanup
Friends of the Mississippi River:
BIPOC River Stewards - Star Party at Grey Cloud Dunes SNA
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Earth Day River Gorge cleanup
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Earth Day River Gorge cleanup
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Stenciling with Exploration High School, Minneapolis
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Staff birding outing
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Staff birding outing
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Garlic mustard pull at Pine Bend Bluffs
Friends of the Mississippi River:
FMR Staff, May 2022
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Hastings Sand Coulee SNA garlic mustard pull
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Crosby Farm Park garlic mustard pull
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Crosby Farm Park garlic mustard pull
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Stenciling with Allina
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Riverside Park garlic mustard + bittercress pull
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Garlic mustard pull at Cottage Grove Ravine Park
Friends of the Mississippi River:
BIPOC birding with Urban Bird Collective
Friends of the Mississippi River:
BIPOC birding with Urban Bird Collective
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Sand flats garlic mustard pull
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Storm drain stenciling with Great River School
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Storm drain stenciling with Great River School
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Member/River Guardian Happy Hour
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Member/River Guardian Happy Hour
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Member/River Guardian Happy Hour
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Ole Olson prairie tending
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Ole Olson prairie tending
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Friends of the Mississippi River:
Vermillion River Linear Park garlic mustard pull + seeding