English on the Rocks: Fly Algaric (Amanita muscaria)
English on the Rocks: Cortinarius splendens v. meinhardii
English on the Rocks: Shaggy Parasol
English on the Rocks: Woodland Fungus
English on the Rocks: Autumn Toadstools
English on the Rocks: King Arthurs Cupcakes
English on the Rocks: Sarcodon imbricatus
English on the Rocks: New Life From Death
English on the Rocks: Recycling Plant
English on the Rocks: Unidentified
English on the Rocks: Life Goes On
English on the Rocks: Fungus Under Birch
English on the Rocks: Fly Algaric #1
English on the Rocks: Fly Algaric #2
English on the Rocks: Common Puffball
English on the Rocks: Common Puffball #2
English on the Rocks: Sulphur Tuft
English on the Rocks: Sulphur Tuft #2
English on the Rocks: Tremiscus Helvelloides
English on the Rocks: Tremiscus Helvelloides #2