nelhiebelv: Changes ar underway
nelhiebelv: The onset of Color
nelhiebelv: Moon, waiting in the wings for his turn on center stage.
nelhiebelv: Is there any product that keeps trees from going bald each fall?
nelhiebelv: Upon Reflection....
nelhiebelv: Who, who, who turned the colors on ?
nelhiebelv: Reflected Fall- Lake Ovid
nelhiebelv: Halloween always lasts too short a time
nelhiebelv: Bat Cave
nelhiebelv: Pumpkin Prison
nelhiebelv: Big Kitty
nelhiebelv: Leaves that are no more
nelhiebelv: Addicted to fall color
nelhiebelv: Phragmites - Close-up
nelhiebelv: PA086395e
nelhiebelv: The Red Maples are always the first of the Show-offs
nelhiebelv: Backlit tufts
nelhiebelv: Borrowed Apples
nelhiebelv: Maples - Kings of Color
nelhiebelv: The H. C. Hoffman Barn
nelhiebelv: Rollin', rollin', rollin'...Hayride!
nelhiebelv: Sycamore at Night
nelhiebelv: Night Corn
nelhiebelv: Allegan Road Twilight
nelhiebelv: The Quilt of Vegetation Will Blunt the of Winter
nelhiebelv: Cupola
nelhiebelv: Red Barn / Evening Light
nelhiebelv: Dance of the Autumn Leaves
nelhiebelv: Dead Burr Oak in the Graveyard of Corn
nelhiebelv: Floating Oranges