nelhiebelv: Driftwood watching sunset
nelhiebelv: Gulls ignoring rainbow
nelhiebelv: "Come to the beach", whispered the waves.
nelhiebelv: Under the moon's watchful eye, the last sail slips into night.
nelhiebelv: the young lovers have the beach to themselves
nelhiebelv: The fishermen call it a day
nelhiebelv: The audience leaves the theatre.
nelhiebelv: the people on this boat must have found something better than a sunset
nelhiebelv: The sun gets ready for its final bow...
nelhiebelv: Out into Lake Michigan one more time
nelhiebelv: White River Light Station
nelhiebelv: Sleep tight little Montague
nelhiebelv: Misty Montague
nelhiebelv: Wildflower and the Village of Montague
nelhiebelv: Spider's Pearl Necklace
nelhiebelv: The sun was quickly burning off the fog
nelhiebelv: They knew it was over when the weekend sailors came out.
nelhiebelv: ....until His Majesty arrived.
nelhiebelv: The Fishermen thought they had White Lake all to themselves....
nelhiebelv: White River Sunrise
nelhiebelv: They say, "the early worm catches the fish."
nelhiebelv: White River, Off into the Foggy Sunrise
nelhiebelv: Lake Michigan at Days End
nelhiebelv: Gulls Enjoy Sunset
nelhiebelv: Reflected Sun along Lake Michigan Shore
nelhiebelv: Sun-seeking Gull
nelhiebelv: Kayaks Awaken To A Perfect Day
nelhiebelv: The Sun Refused To Leave
nelhiebelv: The Straits of Mackinac on the Lake Huron side
nelhiebelv: Superior, they say, never gives up her dead when the witch of November turns gloomy