nelhiebelv: Tipple That Hasn't Toppled
nelhiebelv: Amtrak & Tipple
nelhiebelv: Roundhouse
nelhiebelv: Neon Shopper
nelhiebelv: Winter Shadows in Verrmontville
nelhiebelv: Tallahatchie Flats, Mississippi
nelhiebelv: Round Barn, Indiana
nelhiebelv: Fallen, but Still Trying To Get Up
nelhiebelv: Mausoleum In Winter
nelhiebelv: Tractor Parade on Mackinac Bridge
nelhiebelv: Dance of the 3-winged Cranes
nelhiebelv: GRAIN ELEVATOR - Rudyard, Montana
nelhiebelv: Saco, Montana Grain Elevator
nelhiebelv: Choteau Grain Elevator
nelhiebelv: Spillway, Fort Peck Dam, Montana
nelhiebelv: King's Square Bandstand
nelhiebelv: New Parking Garage, St, John, NB, Canada
nelhiebelv: Confederation Bridge
nelhiebelv: Please deposit bad art in refuse bin
nelhiebelv: Lights, camera, action...
nelhiebelv: Another Happy Place - Rust Belt Retreat
nelhiebelv: Cupola
nelhiebelv: Gratiot County Corn Crib
nelhiebelv: May Require Some Re-Assembly
nelhiebelv: No Escape
nelhiebelv: The Cultural Side of Prison
nelhiebelv: Sick of Confinement ?
nelhiebelv: Linear Shed
nelhiebelv: Unschooled