nelhiebelv: Below Dettifoss
nelhiebelv: Reflection at Ljosavatn
nelhiebelv: Somewhere near Vik, Iceland
nelhiebelv: Low on petrol, but it's all downhill to Breiodalsvik
nelhiebelv: Little Grabrok Panorama
nelhiebelv: Little Grabrok Crater
nelhiebelv: Main Grabrok Crater
nelhiebelv: Jagged Ridge in NW Iceland
nelhiebelv: Another little village in Iceland: Djupivogur
nelhiebelv: Borgarnes, Iceland
nelhiebelv: Early Morning Reykjavik
nelhiebelv: Alftafjordur, Southeast Iceland
nelhiebelv: ...meanwhile, back in Iceland, the horses were also looking for lost coins...
nelhiebelv: The best road to Dettifoss
nelhiebelv: Nary a Ripple
nelhiebelv: Sunny Slope in Southeast Iceland
nelhiebelv: Fork in the road at Skriodalur, Iceland
nelhiebelv: Anchored in Dalvik