FreyjaThor: I've been roaming around, I was looking down at all I see
FreyjaThor: And so it is...
FreyjaThor: "Hot" summer day
FreyjaThor: Eyjafjörður
FreyjaThor: Héraðsvötn
FreyjaThor: Þingvellir
FreyjaThor: Jökulsárlón
FreyjaThor: Seljalandsfoss
FreyjaThor: It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away
FreyjaThor: The tower of Hóladómkirkja
FreyjaThor: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
FreyjaThor: Héraðsvötn
FreyjaThor: Thingvellir
FreyjaThor: Hrefna
FreyjaThor: December day
FreyjaThor: Vatnsdalur
FreyjaThor: Þingvellir
FreyjaThor: Þingvellir