FreyjaThor: Halla
FreyjaThor: Halla black/white
FreyjaThor: Bridge
FreyjaThor: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
FreyjaThor: Óskar
FreyjaThor: Dísa
FreyjaThor: Hrefna
FreyjaThor: Hrefna
FreyjaThor: Hrefna
FreyjaThor: Hrefna
FreyjaThor: Knockin' on heaven's door
FreyjaThor: The tower of Hóladómkirkja
FreyjaThor: Erla, Eva, Hrefna
FreyjaThor: Erla Rán
FreyjaThor: Eva + Hrefna
FreyjaThor: Eva Björg
FreyjaThor: Hólabyrða
FreyjaThor: Hólar
FreyjaThor: Valgerður
FreyjaThor: Hólar
FreyjaThor: Auðunarstofa
FreyjaThor: Auðunarstofa
FreyjaThor: Hólar Cathedral
FreyjaThor: Auðunarstofa
FreyjaThor: Restaurant Undir Byrðunni
FreyjaThor: Auðunarstofa
FreyjaThor: Tower, b/w
FreyjaThor: Church, tower and uni building
FreyjaThor: Inga Margrét