Fretbotherer: Paddington
Fretbotherer: Balance
Fretbotherer: Soundgarden
Fretbotherer: Masses
Fretbotherer: Lookout
Fretbotherer: A puzzled Sam Beckett Quantum Leaps in
Fretbotherer: Balloon spotter
Fretbotherer: A comic book legend stalks the crowd
Fretbotherer: Human traffic
Fretbotherer: Floatation devices
Fretbotherer: Taking her up the alley
Fretbotherer: Some people will pretend they can't see me
Fretbotherer: Not everyone was impressed
Fretbotherer: Scotland
Fretbotherer: Plan B
Fretbotherer: In a sunbeam
Fretbotherer: Loves a forehead
Fretbotherer: Black and white
Fretbotherer: Blending in