Fretbotherer: "You're shitting me"
Fretbotherer: What I've come to know as her "Listening" face
Fretbotherer: Seconds before the cat punched her
Fretbotherer: Help me...
Fretbotherer: Slightly rippled with a flat underside
Fretbotherer: I wish I could lick my own eye
Fretbotherer: Hypnotoad
Fretbotherer: Little orange friend
Fretbotherer: Watching tv
Fretbotherer: Table-tasting
Fretbotherer: Hunting
Fretbotherer: Pounce
Fretbotherer: I don't trust you, human
Fretbotherer: Something's funny
Fretbotherer: I love my log
Fretbotherer: Double trouble
Fretbotherer: Let's split up...
Fretbotherer: Handful of dragons
Fretbotherer: Adventuring
Fretbotherer: Follow that gecko
Fretbotherer: Hand dragons
Fretbotherer: I'm falling! Help me!
Fretbotherer: Poised
Fretbotherer: Look out
Fretbotherer: Sunbathing
Fretbotherer: Gargoyle
Fretbotherer: Smiling