Fretbotherer: Wait. Is that me?
Fretbotherer: Self portrait. Kinda.
Fretbotherer: The Beastmaster shops at the Co-op
Fretbotherer: Run, child! Run from The Beastmaster!!
Fretbotherer: The days when one can of Pepsi Max and a cigarette was enough for four people.
Fretbotherer: Summer goths
Fretbotherer: Chilling and squinting
Fretbotherer: Future Bizzle
Fretbotherer: Catch the Pigeon
Fretbotherer: Actual glasses
Fretbotherer: Way too cool for real life
Fretbotherer: Likely a retired hitman
Fretbotherer: Formation
Fretbotherer: Perfect weather for the dog collar
Fretbotherer: Not quite hipster enough
Fretbotherer: Look! One hand!
Fretbotherer: You complete me