forasiacheers: lanzhou station
forasiacheers: otw to ningxia
forasiacheers: lanzhou train to zhongwei
forasiacheers: havaianas in ningxia
forasiacheers: yoooo desert baby
forasiacheers: is easy to go down ..
forasiacheers: diss is insane
forasiacheers: chilin for a bit
forasiacheers: fisherman go to desert
forasiacheers: yeah smokin n the man camel
forasiacheers: i drink ur milk in xinjiang and i see u for real in ningxia
forasiacheers: yo wat up dude
forasiacheers: for real dude
forasiacheers: i saw for real
forasiacheers: happyhourshades
forasiacheers: oh my gosh desert
forasiacheers: using film for now
forasiacheers: happyhoursshades camel
forasiacheers: IMG_6263
forasiacheers: shapotou desert