freshfiction: Welcome to Comic Con NYC!
freshfiction: TOR Books Booth
freshfiction: Ernst Dabel (Dabel Bros), Anne Elizabeth (RT), and fan
freshfiction: Sherrilyn Kenyon's booth
freshfiction: Storm Troopers just hangin'
freshfiction: Barbara Vey cornered by the Storm Troopers
freshfiction: Fans in costumes
freshfiction: Eos Publisher (Harper Collins) holding up their favorite books!
freshfiction: Comic Con flags
freshfiction: Fantastic Realm booth
freshfiction: naked women everywhere, part of Witchblade series
freshfiction: Barbara Vey helping out at the Sherrilyn Kenyon booth
freshfiction: fans, fans
freshfiction: active fans!
freshfiction: Dark Hunter fan girls
freshfiction: Farscape Illustrator
freshfiction: Mr Blue!
freshfiction: Costumes...
freshfiction: This is the line for the front door!
freshfiction: New Vertigo writer/artist team with their new comic about cute doggies who fight aliens!
freshfiction: Costumes...
freshfiction: Costumed blue something!
freshfiction: Yes, that is HIS hand!
freshfiction: Mr. Blue Armor
freshfiction: Fan in costume
freshfiction: Kids area had attack your buddy wars...
freshfiction: Star Trek plays, as well as much more!
freshfiction: an alien drummer!
freshfiction: Sherrilyn Kenyon's fans at booth!