freshfiction: Jade Lee and L. A. Banks with sword!
freshfiction: Jade Lee
freshfiction: StarGate: the DVD release
freshfiction: Monster from SLITHER
freshfiction: Um…another constumed fun loving person!
freshfiction: Jane the Dragon
freshfiction: Star Wars revisited!
freshfiction: Luke, Chewbaca and Jade Lee!
freshfiction: Jade Lee and Sherrilyn Kenyon
freshfiction: Imagine a BIG Sword!
freshfiction: Sherrilynn Kenyon, Jade Lee, and Anne Elizabeth!
freshfiction: Battlestar Galactica...the original
freshfiction: Dean Koontz signs at Comic-Con...for HOURS!!
freshfiction: Nightmare Set with Tooth!
freshfiction: A couple more attendees!
freshfiction: Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter!
freshfiction: Guy promoting a new movie…but of course, I have no idea which movie it was! (Except that it’s not out yet…)
freshfiction: Jade's favorite sign…