freshelectrons: King Kazimierz
freshelectrons: A king goes down to meet the miners - old story
freshelectrons: In Krakow, at the Pharmacy museum, which alas was closed
freshelectrons: R at the Hotel Copernicus
freshelectrons: finding an english-speaking doctor in krakow
freshelectrons: getting well at the hotel copernicus
freshelectrons: Alchymist Garden, where breakfast was served
freshelectrons: at home at the alchymist
freshelectrons: RAH-6139
freshelectrons: RAH-6135
freshelectrons: Pashmina in Prague
freshelectrons: John Lennon Wall in Prague
freshelectrons: faces on a bridge
freshelectrons: locks of love
freshelectrons: red stripes in Mala Strana
freshelectrons: Prague from the Petrinus Tower
freshelectrons: RAH-6340
freshelectrons: a view of prague from the petrinus tower
freshelectrons: the castle at sunset
freshelectrons: Peacock sign
freshelectrons: R at the Wallenstein
freshelectrons: bromeliads through glass at the Wallenstein gardens
freshelectrons: Wallenstein wall - faux tufa
freshelectrons: Seen at the Wallenstein - peacock and plaid
freshelectrons: hydrangea planting at the wallenstein lava rock wall
freshelectrons: man on a red tile roof
freshelectrons: Kafka Bookshop
freshelectrons: music store: nice price
freshelectrons: RAH-6383