freshelectrons: Paul G. Allen Computer Science & Engineering
freshelectrons: Jon LeBlanc @Yahoo! Open Technology Night
freshelectrons: Jon LeBlanc presents the Yahoo! Open Stack
freshelectrons: Yahoo University Hack Day in a room with a view
freshelectrons: the scene of the hack
freshelectrons: flickr alarm - winner of best use of YQL
freshelectrons: IMG_3753
freshelectrons: Pando-Pic
freshelectrons: Pacman on a map
freshelectrons: Douglas Crockford on JavaScript: The Good Parts
freshelectrons: At UW, real Yahoo hack wizards wear purple too
freshelectrons: Congratulations all UW hackers
freshelectrons: Next up: Winter*Fest at UW CSE
freshelectrons: Yahoo! University Hack Day @ the Bill & Melinda Gates Commons
freshelectrons: hacking the night away