Frerieke: Day 85_ Meditation in the pool
Frerieke: I finished my swim and the evening surprised me
Frerieke: my favorite pool in the favorite time of the day
Frerieke: Day 84_ Flower Fre
Frerieke: Anneke het flower meiske
Frerieke: Flower pretty
Frerieke: jungle garden flower
Frerieke: mystic flower
Frerieke: hello you flower
Frerieke: pretty flower
Frerieke: Day 83_ being in Africa
Frerieke: sailing the horizon
Frerieke: rocks in the water
Frerieke: Day 79_ me and the seagulls watching the sun set
Frerieke: shame of the crappy mobile phone sun..
Frerieke: sunset audi me
Frerieke: Day 78_ AFTER
Frerieke: are you sure FRE??
Frerieke: my short hair smile
Frerieke: proud
Frerieke: looking at myself
Frerieke: ok, looking at myself
Frerieke: FUN! feels good
Frerieke: Day 77_ there's a fire on the mountain..
Frerieke: Day 73_ Wordpress in Africa
Frerieke: cooperation
Frerieke: one of my favorite t-shirts
Frerieke: still loving sepia
Frerieke: we all want to be in the photo..
Frerieke: downloading pics, helping each other