frenchyphil: garden flowers
frenchyphil: neon rubber gloves
frenchyphil: lavender light
frenchyphil: looking happy
frenchyphil: glasses
frenchyphil: red opium green vase
frenchyphil: purple heart
frenchyphil: The full Monka
frenchyphil: two blondes
frenchyphil: washing line
frenchyphil: Blue spheres in the garden
frenchyphil: Betty's yellow flowers
frenchyphil: Hello from beans
frenchyphil: Flower pot as night falls
frenchyphil: Lit glasses
frenchyphil: Interuption in thought
frenchyphil: M. Monka
frenchyphil: Bean there, done that
frenchyphil: My baby by a fence
frenchyphil: Monka and friends
frenchyphil: Bacon sandwhich with mushrooms
frenchyphil: Gifts from Provence
frenchyphil: Monka in the flowers
frenchyphil: The pinkest of my poppies
frenchyphil: L’etait un jour de forte chaleur
frenchyphil: beans @ last!
frenchyphil: Roast chicken with paprika and garlic
frenchyphil: Chicken and bean curry