French Tart: Part of the Violet Carpet! Magic!
French Tart: Just more violets!
French Tart: Another one of the violets in the front garden
French Tart: On the front lawn - violets
French Tart: The first daffoldils - in the walled garden
French Tart: Violets in the secret garden
French Tart: A pale, almost white violet
French Tart: Rosemary flowers
French Tart: Another pose of a posy on my rustic wooden "food photography" table.
French Tart: Rustic wooden table and a posy of violets
French Tart: On the wine barrel again.
French Tart: On top of an old wine barrel near the garden wall.
French Tart: Logging! Taken on top of the wood pile.
French Tart: On my "food photography" rustic wooden table
French Tart: Again, in the old stone walled garden
French Tart: In the old stone walled garden
French Tart: With the wood pile as background