frenchspin: Is there a cosmic law that states I have to get the crappiest weather ever every time I land in Paris??
frenchspin: [FR] J'ai aterri a Paris pour être accueilli... Par une baguette! Sur le tapis a baggages. Vive la France!
frenchspin: [FR] je viens d'enregistrer Le Rendez-vous Tech d'ici ! (publication dans quelques heures)
frenchspin: This is what the spags are feeding me.
frenchspin: Oakland city center is actualy pretty cool. AND not freezing cold. I'm looking at you San Francisco!
frenchspin: That's what happens when you have dinner with @acedtect @bigepaz and @Veronica. I would never do that.
frenchspin: Wth? I'm getting NO phone service in central SF! Thank god for the Apple store's free WiFi... Got new podcasts here too. :)
frenchspin: Landed in San Fran safely, just got to Atlas cafe to meet my friend Eva. This place looks really cool: