French Disko: Anna and the mandolin
French Disko: Barefoot Garden
French Disko: Elsa and the kite
French Disko: Elsa and the dream of horses
French Disko: Mitsuko and Hiroko
French Disko: How to hold a tea cup
French Disko: Me with Tomoe
French Disko: Anna and Naoko
French Disko: How to make a poncho look good
French Disko: Anna, Naoko and Fuji
French Disko: Her feet
French Disko: Anna and Gem
French Disko: Great kids (^_^)v
French Disko: Preparing for karaoke
French Disko: Karaoke, Satoshi and Naoko
French Disko: Doraemon and Naoko in Yokohama
French Disko: Yokohama
French Disko: Mount Fuji looking like a small hill
French Disko: Sunrise on Mount Fuji
French Disko: Early morning on Mount Fuji
French Disko: On the way to a summer festival
French Disko: On the way to a summer festival
French Disko: On the way to a summer festival
French Disko: Preparing for a summer festival
French Disko: Winnings
French Disko: Breakfast with Hemingway and his Bakelite arm
French Disko: Happy days...
French Disko: Knitting with Kelly Deal