FreezeFramePhoto: Tristan catching air
FreezeFramePhoto: Taylor earning some summer cash
FreezeFramePhoto: First day of school 2008
FreezeFramePhoto: Water fight
FreezeFramePhoto: Can I see?
FreezeFramePhoto: Darla and Scott
FreezeFramePhoto: Halloween dogs
FreezeFramePhoto: Those guys are big!!
FreezeFramePhoto: Tristan poster
FreezeFramePhoto: Fast ball over the plate!
FreezeFramePhoto: Stolen base!
FreezeFramePhoto: Another face pant
FreezeFramePhoto: Taylor and I heading for a tree
FreezeFramePhoto: Random stranger launches with son
FreezeFramePhoto: Little guy does a face plant
FreezeFramePhoto: Tristan flying high
FreezeFramePhoto: Tristan blazes a trail
FreezeFramePhoto: More powder
FreezeFramePhoto: Tristan flying high
FreezeFramePhoto: A race always breaks out between these two
FreezeFramePhoto: Tristan launches!
FreezeFramePhoto: Almost into a tree!
FreezeFramePhoto: Feel the need for speed!
FreezeFramePhoto: Taylor sledding in a foot of fresh powder