freegazaorg: Adding Stickers to boxes of Medicine
freegazaorg: Banner they will fly in Gaza
freegazaorg: Qatari Charity Name and logo
freegazaorg: Faiez saying good-bye to Larnaca
freegazaorg: GettingReady to leave
freegazaorg: HangingFlags
freegazaorg: Huywaida_Katia on the back of the Dignity
freegazaorg: Last_Goodbye
freegazaorg: Luggage being loaded on board
freegazaorg: On_deck
freegazaorg: Qataris_Banner
freegazaorg: Back End of the Dignity
freegazaorg: Captain George
freegazaorg: Coming Into Port
freegazaorg: Dr. Sonia and Talal
freegazaorg: Nicolas the First Mate
freegazaorg: Offering Sweets
freegazaorg: Osama with Palestinian Strawberries
freegazaorg: Ready to Dock
freegazaorg: The Free Gaza Tucked inside Boats
freegazaorg: The Wonderful Qataris
freegazaorg: They Are Back
freegazaorg: Waiting for Immigration