freegazaorg: Osama makes a deal
freegazaorg: Ewa & Lubna hard at work in our office in the Sunflower lobby
freegazaorg: heyah
freegazaorg: Othman & Lubna
freegazaorg: Derek on deck
freegazaorg: We're in real trouble now
freegazaorg: Professor Rosenhead
freegazaorg: Mike Cushman & Jonathan Rosenhead
freegazaorg: Ewa & Naser
freegazaorg: Some crazy activist went to Gaza and all I got was this t-shirt
freegazaorg: Dignity Leaving Larnaca
freegazaorg: On the Way to Gaza
freegazaorg: The Dignity in sight of Gaza's shore line
freegazaorg: Flying the flag of Palestine
freegazaorg: Gaza harbour after Israeli bombing
freegazaorg: part of our welcome at Gaza port
freegazaorg: Beached and stranded Palestinian boats