freegazaorg: Celebrating
freegazaorg: Land Ahoy!
freegazaorg: We can see Gaza!
freegazaorg: Approaching the port of Gaza
freegazaorg: Arriving in Gaza
freegazaorg: Setting sail
freegazaorg: Setting sail
freegazaorg: Sailing from Cyprus to Gaza
freegazaorg: 'We made it'.
freegazaorg: Lauren Booth - delighted to have finally reached Gaza
freegazaorg: The Liberty approaches Gaza
freegazaorg: Seeking the best vantage point to watch the boats enter the port of Gaza
freegazaorg: Solidarity in action. Greta thanking our Gazan friends for their welcome.
freegazaorg: Celebrating our arrival in Gaza
freegazaorg: Crowds of Palestinians waiting at the port to welcome the boats
freegazaorg: Boats line up to welcome the Free Gaza movement to Gaza
freegazaorg: Sailing to meet the Free Gaza and the Liberty
freegazaorg: A very Gazan welcome.......
freegazaorg: The Liberty, almost overwhelmed by the welcome
freegazaorg: Sailing out of Gaza port to welcome the Free Gaza movement's arrival
freegazaorg: SS Liberty arrives
freegazaorg: The Free Gaza sails into the port of Gaza
freegazaorg: Sailing into port and breaking the siege
freegazaorg: A Gazan welcome for the Liberty
freegazaorg: Boats and swimmers join the welcome
freegazaorg: Waves of friendship in Gaza port
freegazaorg: We can't believe we're really here!
freegazaorg: Boats filling to meet us, and a security officer looking on!
freegazaorg: The very first interviews as we arrive in Gaza
freegazaorg: One of the boats coming to welcome us