freeformkatia: hitting the playground
freeformkatia: Maizy and Maja
freeformkatia: Maizy and Maja
freeformkatia: Maja, Charlie, Roman
freeformkatia: climbing the spinner
freeformkatia: climbin'
freeformkatia: Happy Birthday Maja!
freeformkatia: Maja in her web
freeformkatia: cupcakes.
freeformkatia: party porch
freeformkatia: Josie, Elah, Maja, Hope, Roman
freeformkatia: snacks
freeformkatia: party space
freeformkatia: colouring project
freeformkatia: waiting...
freeformkatia: Maja, Vlad, Maizy and the tower of cupcakes
freeformkatia: cupcake anticipation
freeformkatia: Adi and Maddy
freeformkatia: Maja enjoys a birthday cupcake
freeformkatia: heading back out to the playground
freeformkatia: Shana and Maddy
freeformkatia: view from the porch
freeformkatia: playground
freeformkatia: Maja's 4th birthday
freeformkatia: blowing out candles
freeformkatia: blowing out candles
freeformkatia: dad is impressed he blew them all out
freeformkatia: a very happy 4 y.o.
freeformkatia: Maddy also enjoys Maja's treats and presents