freeformkatia: Maizy and Maja
freeformkatia: using the megaphone
freeformkatia: Maja has things to yell
freeformkatia: Maja and Maizy with the scarecrow
freeformkatia: a new friend
freeformkatia: Maja hauls her pumpkin
freeformkatia: Maja with a scarecrow
freeformkatia: Katia and Mads
freeformkatia: Mads, Otter crawls in the background
freeformkatia: what Emerson does to our mail
freeformkatia: Emerson has effectively 'killed' the magazine
freeformkatia: Mads and Nan
freeformkatia: Maja!
freeformkatia: at the playground
freeformkatia: Mads and Mom, self portrait
freeformkatia: Mads asleep in the sling
freeformkatia: banana girl
freeformkatia: Mads and Mom at the playground
freeformkatia: the artiste
freeformkatia: Maja colouring
freeformkatia: Maja colouring
freeformkatia: post pumpkin painting
freeformkatia: Maja and Mom painting a pumpkin
freeformkatia: art project!
freeformkatia: Maja communes with the pumpkin
freeformkatia: washing the pumpkin
freeformkatia: washing the pumpkin
freeformkatia: Maja pumpkin
freeformkatia: in the pumpkin patch
freeformkatia: Dad directs