freef0cus: shrimp dance
freef0cus: who's looking at who?
freef0cus: checking out the humans...ha ha and they pay to see us!
freef0cus: catch22- parked near home but so far from the water!
freef0cus: I cross_hatch I
freef0cus: I beautiful marked I
freef0cus: bridal veil falls near Raglan
freef0cus: bridal veil falls
freef0cus: silence of solitude
freef0cus: leaf topography
freef0cus: light up my life
freef0cus: the mountain
freef0cus: paradise flower
freef0cus: seeing the parallels
freef0cus: thermal rainbow
freef0cus: forgotten colour
freef0cus: kaleidoscope ll
freef0cus: L striking